Comments on: Chant Of The Ever Circling Skeletal Family David Bowie songs, albums, history, features, photos and more… Sun, 06 Nov 2022 20:22:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carina Sun, 06 Nov 2022 20:22:35 +0000 Hey, I made this for anyone interested:

(Intro part)

5/4 = a – a – e – – c – –
6/4 = a – a – d – e – – d – –
5/4 = a – a – e – – c – –

6/4 = a – a – d – d – – g – –
6/4 = e – e – a/d – g – – d – – (Brother)
5/4 = a – a – e – – d – – (Ooh ooh)

Circling chant:

5/4 = a – a – e – – c – – (Shake it up, shake it up)
6/4 = a – a – d – e – – d – –
5/4 = a – a – e – – c – – (Move it up, movie it up)

6/4 = a – a – d – d – – g – –
6/4 = e – e – a/d – g – – d – – (Brother)
5/4 = a – a – e – – d – – (Ooh ooh)

(Repeat measures below line)

1 hyphen ( – ) = pause
2 hyphens ( – – ) = legato

The time signature relates to guitar, bass, percussion parts and vocals. The drum kit plays a straight 4/4 beat throughout the song!

Percussion parts: tambourine, güiro and wood block

By: Thommy Berlin Sat, 24 Sep 2022 12:55:04 +0000 Bowie after glitter. I am a musician, considered talented by some, and when I could no longer play drums – which were/are my first love it was this album, this song that most influenced my ear/mind/direction as a new guitarist. I still consider it to be one of his two best records. Funny thing that most don’t know about Bowie is how universally popular he was with those who would be called ‘punk rockers’. We ALL loved Bowie. I hope there’s a heaven if for no other reason that I get to hear Bowie again.

By: Lynda A Massey Sat, 02 Oct 2021 04:04:16 +0000 I’ve gotten attached to Chant of Ever Circling …, playing it over and over. Nobody born after about 1969 can begin to create what was done while they were toddlers in the early ’70s. It might as well be a felony for them to try, for they can’t do a thing. Boring little things. Mommy should put them back in the mini-van and kiss them.

I enjoyed Mr. Bowie at Friday’s in Nashville, Tennessee in 1978. He had a sense of humour!

By: Matt Sun, 29 Nov 2020 17:44:21 +0000 The first time I heard this song was when I got Diamond Dogs on vinyl. When the song reached the part where “Bro” repeated I honestly thought that something was wrong with the record and the needle was skipping.

By: Stuart Rankin Sun, 16 Aug 2020 00:38:56 +0000 The first time I heard this it was like an epiphany. I actually blurted out “what the *** is that?”
Cue mellotron choir…
I was truly blown away with this. I had never before or since met such a tangible emotion or urgency in music that spoke to me in a personal way, like I had always known it. Catchy as hell and irresistible, I can listen to this on loop for many a time. And the sudden abruptness of the end is matched only with the inevitable ominous repetition of coming to an end. To me, this is true creative Bowie genius.

By: Robert gravallese Mon, 10 Feb 2020 04:25:31 +0000 I am not a musician. I love music but I have very little understanding of it – and not to be pretentious but I am a scientist and a pretty good one. Anyway I think the last few paragraphs may explain the way the guitar in the song is manifest in the last 35 seconds or so. The sound , in my estimation , approaches becoming a tangible presence. I have never heard anything else like it….before or after. I am mesmerized by the song…as short and lyrically simple as it is
