Comments on: The Man Who Sold The World David Bowie songs, albums, history, features, photos and moreā€¦ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 15:49:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: 19x Mon, 08 Feb 2021 03:03:18 +0000 There is a missed opportunity here in referring to Rossetti as a painter, given that it is a poem, specifically “The Card Dealer” (1852) that inspired the album cover. From the “woven golden hair” to the playing cards, the color scheme, and the card in Bowie’s hand being the King of Diamonds, the death card referenced in the last line “and knows she calls it Death.” (source: Experiencing David Bowie, page 68-69)

This site is amazing, by the way. As a new Bowie fan (not sure what rock I’ve been under all my life, but thankfully someone finally lifted it and threw down a Ziggy Stardust CD), I’m fascinated by all of the references in his work. I’ll gladly comment with anything else I find as I’m reading. I would love to see every song have an entry one day. Thank you for your work on it!
