Hype | The Bowie Bible https://www.bowiebible.com David Bowie songs, albums, history, features, photos and more… Mon, 17 Apr 2023 14:21:05 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 Live: David Bowie and Hype, Jesus College, Cambridge https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/06/16/live-david-bowie-hype-jesus-college-cambridge/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/06/16/live-david-bowie-hype-jesus-college-cambridge/#respond Tue, 16 Jun 1970 19:00:40 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18581 David Bowie performed at the May Ball at Jesus College, Cambridge, on 16 June 1970. They were on a bill with Deep Purple, Black Widow, and The Move. There was a lull in Bowie’s activities after the completion of The Man Who Sold The World. This was in part due to his parting from former manager Kenneth Pitt, from whom he had severed tied in May 1970. As had been agreed, I took no more engagements for David Bowie and the Hype and the only three remaining to be carried out were: one for the Stockport Schools Union at the

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/06/16/live-david-bowie-hype-jesus-college-cambridge/feed/ 0 52.2095642 0.1235969
Live: David Bowie and Hype, The Penthouse, Scarborough https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/05/21/live-david-bowie-hype-the-penthouse-scarborough/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/05/21/live-david-bowie-hype-the-penthouse-scarborough/#respond Thu, 21 May 1970 19:00:41 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18579 David Bowie and Hype performed at The Penthouse in Scarborough on 21 May 1970. The show had originally been scheduled for 2 April, but was delayed due to a clash with a recording session. On March 24 I had sent David the usual memo advising him of engagements that had been confirmed. That particular one reminded him that he and the Hype had been booked at the Penthouse, Scarborough on April 2 and the Poco Club, Stockport on May 4. Such things would also be discussed on the telephone and in the office, but long experience had taught me that

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/05/21/live-david-bowie-hype-the-penthouse-scarborough/feed/ 0 54.2819748 -0.3986835
Live: David Bowie and Hype, Star Hotel, Croydon https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/30/live-david-bowie-hype-star-hotel-croydon/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/30/live-david-bowie-hype-star-hotel-croydon/#respond Mon, 30 Mar 1970 19:00:08 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18395 David Bowie and Hype performed at Croydon’s Star Hotel on 30 March 1970. At this time Hype were guitarist Mick Ronson, bassist Tony Visconti, and drummer John Cambridge. This, howoever, was Cambridge’s last show with them; on 6 April Bowie informed him he wanted a new drummer, and the following day Cambridge returned to Hull. We had a gig the end of March at The Star Hotel, Broad Green, Croydon. One afternoon, a few days before the gig, David and I went over to check it out and see the size of the stage. We stood at the bar having

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/30/live-david-bowie-hype-star-hotel-croydon/feed/ 0 51.3835068 -0.1077175
Live: David Bowie and Hype, Fillmore North, Sunderland https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/13/live-david-bowie-hype-locarno-ballroom-sunderland/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/13/live-david-bowie-hype-locarno-ballroom-sunderland/#respond Fri, 13 Mar 1970 19:00:42 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18330 David Bowie and Hype performed at Sunderland’s Fillmore North at the Locarno Ballroom on 13 March 1970. They were supported by Principal Edwards Magic Theatre, Circus, and Man. Bowie and Hype were paid £125 for their one-hour set. The Locarno Ballroom was situated on Newcastle Road. In 1969 it rebranded as the Fillmore North, and was variously known as the Mecca, Mayfair Suite, Genevieve’s, and the Palace, before it closed in 1976. The building was demolished in 2012 to make way for a supermarket.

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/13/live-david-bowie-hype-locarno-ballroom-sunderland/feed/ 0 54.9169273 -1.3822818
Live: David Bowie and Hype, Roundhouse, London https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/11/live-david-bowie-hype-roundhouse-london-2/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/11/live-david-bowie-hype-roundhouse-london-2/#respond Wed, 11 Mar 1970 19:00:10 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18322 Less than a month after their groundbreaking first live show, David Bowie and Hype returned to London’s Roundhouse. This was part of the Roundhouse’s week-long Atomic Sunrise festival. Marc Bolan was among those in the audience for the show, for which Genesis were also on the bill. Three songs from Bowie and Hype’s set were filmed: ‘Memory Of A Free Festival’, ‘The Supermen’, and the Velvet Underground’s ‘I’m Waiting For The Man’. The soundtrack for this 16mm colour film was lost when the film’s owner failed to keep paying the film’s storage fee. Footage of the three songs listed were

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/11/live-david-bowie-hype-roundhouse-london-2/feed/ 0 51.5432129 -0.1518345
Live: David Bowie and Hype, Regent Street Polytechnic, London https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/07/live-david-bowie-hype-regent-street-polytechnic-london/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/07/live-david-bowie-hype-regent-street-polytechnic-london/#respond Sat, 07 Mar 1970 19:00:38 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18318 David Bowie and Hype performed at the Regent Street Polytechnic in London on 7 March 1970. The support acts were Bridget St John and the Alan Skidmore Quintet. Bowie and Hype were paid £100 for their performance. Bowie’s performance was marred by the volume of Mick Ronson’s guitar, which threatened to overwhelm both band and audience. David Bowie, in ten-league boots and groovy gear, presented his new backing group line-up Hype. He needs an expert on sound balance who should effectively solve the teething problems of the new line-up. David had much more confidence and stage presence with this backing

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/07/live-david-bowie-hype-regent-street-polytechnic-london/feed/ 0 51.5169029 -0.1432300
Live: David Bowie and Hype, University of Hull https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/06/live-david-bowie-hype-hull-university/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/06/live-david-bowie-hype-hull-university/#respond Fri, 06 Mar 1970 19:00:57 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18311 David Bowie and Hype performed at the West Refectory at Hull University in Kingston upon Hull, England, on 6 March 1970. They went to the University of Hull on the 6th and because of the local interest occasioned by ex-Rats John Cambridge and Mick Ronson, the Students’ Union secretary Alison Vaughan agreed to pay 100% of the door receipts up to a maximum of one-hundred-and-fifty-pounds, but they earned nothing beyond the minimum guarantee of one-hundred-and-twenty-five. David and Angela stayed at the home of John Cambridge’s parents, and John remembers his father coming to him and crying ‘He’s smoking me cigs!’

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/06/live-david-bowie-hype-hull-university/feed/ 0 53.7718849 -0.3663683
Live: David Bowie and Hype, Three Tuns, Beckenham https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/05/live-david-bowie-hype-three-tuns-beckenham-39/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/05/live-david-bowie-hype-three-tuns-beckenham-39/#respond Thu, 05 Mar 1970 19:00:56 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18307 David Bowie and Hype performed at Beckenham’s Three Tuns pub on 1 March 1970. This was Bowie’s 39th and final appearance at the venue. It was for Growth – the Beckenham Arts Lab, which he had co-founded the year before. The Arts Lab events were mostly held on Sunday nights at the pub. Towards the end of 1969 Bowie’s interest had started to wane as his career began to take off, and by early 1970 his appearances became less frequent.

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/05/live-david-bowie-hype-three-tuns-beckenham-39/feed/ 0 51.4063263 -0.0288284
Live: David Bowie and Hype, White Bear, Hounslow https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/03/live-david-bowie-hype-white-bear-hounslow-2/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/03/live-david-bowie-hype-white-bear-hounslow-2/#respond Tue, 03 Mar 1970 19:00:38 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18309 David Bowie and Hype performed at the Hounslow Arts Lab at the White Bear pub in Hounslow on Tuesday 3 March 1970. Also on the bill was Seasoning featuring singer Maggie Nichols. Bowie had previously performed at the White Bear with Tony Visconti and John Cambridge on 15 July 1969. The Hounslow Arts Lab was run by Dave Cousins of the Strawbs, with whom Bowie performed at a number of shows in 1969.

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/03/live-david-bowie-hype-white-bear-hounslow-2/feed/ 0 51.4754944 -0.3599632
Live: David Bowie and Hype, Three Tuns, Beckenham https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/01/live-david-bowie-hype-three-tuns-beckenham-38/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/01/live-david-bowie-hype-three-tuns-beckenham-38/#respond Sun, 01 Mar 1970 19:00:55 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=18305 David Bowie and Hype performed at Beckenham’s Three Tuns pub on 1 March 1970. This was Bowie’s 38th appearance at the venue, and his first with the new band. It was for Growth – the Beckenham Arts Lab, which he had co-founded the year before. This was his penultimate appearance at the Arts Lab, which was mostly on Sunday nights at the pub. Towards the end of 1969 his interest had started to wane as his career began to take off, and by early 1970 his appearances became less frequent.

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https://www.bowiebible.com/1970/03/01/live-david-bowie-hype-three-tuns-beckenham-38/feed/ 0 51.4063263 -0.0288284