Mirabelle | The Bowie Bible https://www.bowiebible.com David Bowie songs, albums, history, features, photos and more… Wed, 17 May 2023 16:21:04 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 David Bowie sees the Monty Python’s Flying Circus stage show https://www.bowiebible.com/1974/03/03/david-bowie-sees-monty-pythons-flying-circus-stage-show/ https://www.bowiebible.com/1974/03/03/david-bowie-sees-monty-pythons-flying-circus-stage-show/#respond Sun, 03 Mar 1974 20:00:28 +0000 https://www.bowiebible.com/?p=20430 David Bowie and Mick Jagger attended a stage performance of Monty Python’s Flying Circus on 3 March 1974. The stage show took place at the Theatre Royal on London’s Drury Lane. We have now completed seven shows at Drury Lane – ending last week with a grand flourish of two shows on Friday and two shows on Saturday. I am chewing pastilles and gargling with honey and lemon three times a day as a result… The live show has been a must for pop personalities. Mick Jagger and Bowie have shared a box – rather off-putting, actually, they were right

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