Comments on: Low David Bowie songs, albums, history, features, photos and more… Fri, 25 Feb 2022 12:00:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrew Sat, 02 Oct 2021 08:23:57 +0000 Whatever the suffering was inside bowie he started the cleaning and healing process with Low i mean who can go from the music of please mr gravedigger to the sectet life of Arabia with everything in-between and up to Scary monsters giving us hours then his final two lps
Low is one of the GREAT leaps forward a magical brave spiritual lp
Bowie is one of the few real precursors in music along with the velvets and mid to late period Beatles these people changed and installed all the real relevant changes in popular music. End of

By: Joe Mon, 24 May 2021 17:35:07 +0000 In reply to Aeiplanetos.

Thank you. I got confused by Bowie naming him “Michael Dinger” (a conflation of Michael Rother and Klaus Dinger), and obviously interpreted it wrongly. I did get it right in the “Heroes” article, at least…

In 2001 Bowie said “I phoned Dinger [sic] from France in the first few days of recording” Low, rather than “Heroes”. Even though he got the name wrong, and his memory wasn’t always the best, I’ll leave that in the piece. He does mention France, which is where Low was recorded.

I’ve added Rother’s quotation from the Quietus. Thanks for the link.

By: Aeiplanetos Mon, 24 May 2021 12:48:17 +0000 There are some inaccuracies to an otherwise well-researched & well-presented article.
The member of Neu! that got approached was the guitarist Michael Rother (ex-Kraftwerk, Neu!, Harmonia) and certainly not the drummer Klaus Dinger.
The album concerned was “Heroes” and not Low.
Furthermore, Michael Rother has gone many times on record denying DB’s claims that he politely rejected the invitation to play guitar on the project, offering instead a different story of how he got a call by some (unnamed) person from DB’s inner circle informing him the his services won’t be needed, and offers his diplomatic explanation about this sudden change of affairs (
